In 2018, peak b launched the inaugural Small Business Community Impact report with the support of TSB and Indeed to start the process of digging deeper into the positive impact small businesses make in lives, and the broader role they play in the economy.

What the report demonstrated is that there is a much bigger role for small businesses over and above their contribution to GDP. That role drives culture, community and further significant economic outcomes, such as bringing the long-term unemployed back into work.

It is opportunity creation like this that really resonated from the 2018 report. peak b found that small businesses are much more concerned about creating something positive than making money as an ultimate end goal; they want to have a meaningful role, impacting people and the world around them.

The 2019 Small Business Opportunity Creators report looks at how and why small businesses create opportunities, and importantly how that positive activity can be passed on, encouraged and taught.

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With thanks to TSB and Indeed for supporting this research:
